As I always say the spores is for me even as important as the ships itself. My intention is to have all my ships full of details including a cloud of creatures as they are always described in stories.
Reference number :ORDMALL/01232332/OM
Segmentus: Tempestus
Location: Red typhoon cluster system, fontier line of Ocatius sector ***Xenox territory ***
Topic: ***Tyranid minoris space creatures***,ref index / 1237641/
Author: High Inquisitor Cayo den Mercutio ref num/ 126366
Today I am going to talk about the latest developments in our attend to classify tyranid void life forms.
For any further details or need of information please go to ***Tyranid mayoris space creatures*** ref index /1237601/.
Tyranid fleet are always accompany with a great variety of lifeforms all of them with a specific task inside the hive fleet. The priority of this inform are the war made forms, from now we are refere them as "antibodies".
Types of antibodies.
The only practical way of classifying tyranid ships is using their size and function, attending to that purpose here are the types we can classified thanks to all the information archived from our engagements and the infiltrated group of combat during the ork-tyranid engagement of Garroth system ref/1237323.
The first group classified as such are the space leech antibodies. These creatures can be found in nearly all the different species of tyranid bioships and have been seen in all the tyranids engagements.
Every ships maintain a parasite colony of leeches this creatures are so called because they penetrate the hulk of the bioships and such the fluid of it for feeding.
This function is vital at all levels inside the hive fleet as all the minor bioships take advantage of it to introduce their feeding tendrils without producing bigger damage to it. In addition without this wounds the bioships would not be able to grow how they do.
During the deep space travel they hibernate and they are just active during engagements and when the planet biomass is happening.
During an engagement the leechs colony is like an anthill during an attack. All the members of the colony patrol in the surface of the ship looking for any peril to their host. They are quite aggressive and agile and can be a really difficult treat to bombers and assault boats attending to attack a ship. Also during a boarding action they work together with the praetorian organisms to penetrate the hulk of the enemy ship and suck oxygen and crew of the ship.
In case of continuous engagements the bioship will supply its leeches with a diet that will make them even more aggressive. If the tyranid enemy persist resisting the ship will give them even more until the point the hole colony dies. At this point the bodies of the dead leech organisms will create a mucous membrane surrounding the ship that will make it even harder to reach by ordnance.
As you may have noticed leech are going to represent my turrets I you like this story please feel free to make your own personal leeches on for your fleet but send me your photos please ;)
This are my protoripes.
I hope in a future all my ships apart fromt he krakens will have a great bunch of them fying around.